Lagi seneng banget dengerin album barunya Adam Lambert. Sst..sebenernya belum dirilis secara official sampai tanggal 15 Mei nanti hehe...tapi kalau gue ngga salah merhatiin lirik ya, sepertinya kali ini Adam agak sedikit mengusung tema-tema LGBT juga di dalam albumnya. Salah satu yang menarik perhatian gue dan cepet banget diterima kuping itu "Outlaws of love". Very Enjoyable dan agak sedikit gimanaa gitu kalau didengerin buat homo-homo galau hahaha...dan kalau mau diperhatikan lagi, ada pesan-pesan yang jelas untuk para penentang LGBT di dalem lirik lagu ini ;)
here you go the lyric:
oh, nowhere left to go.
are we getting closer, closer?
no, all we know is no.
nights are getting colder, colder.
tears all fall the same.
we all feel the rain
we can’t change.
everywhere we go
we're lookin’ for the sun.
nowhere to grow old.
we're always on the run.
they say we’ll rot in hell
but i don’t think we will
they’ve branded us enough
outlaws of love.
scars make us who we are
hearts and homes are broken, broken.
far, we could go so far
with our minds wide open, open.
Hey, tears all fall the same
we all feel the rain
we can’t change.
everywhere we go
we're lookin’ for the sun.
nowhere to grow old.
we're always on the run.
they say we’ll rot in hell
but i don’t think we will
they’ve branded us enough
outlaws of love.
nb: Adam lambert ganteng banget yiaa...out of topic yea..but sigh...*kedip2*