
Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Morning !

Good morning.

This is what should I do every morning. Waking up at 5, get done some routine chores.

Had breakfast, listening to shuffle mode on music, read some passages, and do what the fuck I want, smoking cigs.  And get ready for the daily battle.

I found myself smiling. I got myself entertained.

I wrote this and the subconscious cheering "yes bitch, you can do this"

From Mike Welch – Feist – Fall Out Boy – Ke$ha – and now No Doubt, "New" blasting loudly on my bathroom.

I am welcoming the morning. Goody good morning, on whatever mood will compromise me today, I don't care, I am happy, at least for now.

Senin, 23 Juli 2012

Gue, Mithya dan Pacar Bule'nya

Tadi gue baru aja ketemu sama pacarnya Mithya. Hihi. Bertigaan.
It was so fuuuun.

Tadi gue ditinggal berduaan sama pacar bule (PB) dan kami nyambung ternyata, atau sebenarnya dia ga ngerti gue ngomong apa jangan-jangan, jadi ngangguk-ngangguk senyum sambil bilang 'exactly-exactly' supaya sopan. Hehehe. Bahasa enggris aku kan ancor, mak.

Terus lucunya ya, kami melakukan percakapan ala film, waktu Ex ketemu pacar baru, hihihi, kaya gini ni :

(Liat2an malu2)
PB : it is so nice to meet you
Ex : me too *smile*
PB : I was so excited to see you
Ex : same here *smile*
PB : I've heard a lot about you
Ex : oh really? Haha I hope its a good one.
PB : haha. It is a good one.

(Trus tau2 gue ngoceh dan dia senyum2 ngangguk2. Hihi.)

Kaya di film kan? Mungkin ga sih lo melakukan percakapan kaya gitu sama pacar mantan lo di Indonesia? Hihi. Ah gue aja yg norak.

Aku senang, Mithya nampak bahagia, PB seems like a good person, nice looking lady dan mau ngangguk2 senyum2 nanggepin gue ngoceh.

I like you gf, B.
Good choice.

Horeeee, nanti minggu mau pergi lagii. Yayay.

Ps. Yang bikin gue tambah senang malam ini adalah gue ditraktir PB. Wahahaha. Me so murah banget. Nyum.
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