
Minggu, 18 November 2012

Testosterone ?

Ceritanya maen sama cowo, biar ganti hawa.
Salah tapinyaaah.
Maen sama cowo yang lebih cewe sama gue.
Curhat 2 jam lebih ga pake jeda.
*usap muka

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Festival Hari Anak Sedunia

I am at Festival Hari Anak Sedunia, di TIM.
Dan barusan mewek ngeliat performance dari sanggar adek-adek Down Syndrome.
It is so beautiful.
Mereka lebih canggih narinya dari gue yang cuma bisa gaya papan. Kaku.

They are surprisingly so confident, talented dan menjiwai tariannya.

Maju terus anak Indonesia!
Sent from BlackBerry® device ; please kindly excuse typos, brevity, abbreviations or anacoluthia.

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

It's OK to have 2 Daddy or 2 Mommas

Sophia: Dear Barack Obama, It's Sophia Bailey-Klugh. Your friend who invited you to dinner. You don't remember okay that's fine. But I just wanted to tell you that I am so glad that you agree two men can love each other because I have two dads and they love each other, but at school kids think that it's gross and weird, but it really hurts my heart and feelings.... If you were me and you had two dads that loved each other and kids at school teased you about it, what would you do?
Please respond!
I just wanted to say you really inspire me and I hope you win on being president. You would totally make the world a better place.
Your friend, Sophia.
P.S. Please tell your daughters hi for me!

Dear Sophia,

Thank you for writing me such a thoughtful letter about your family. Reading it made me proud to be your president and even more hopeful about the future of our nation.

In America, no two families look the same. We celebrate this diversity. And we recognize that whether you have two dads or one mom what matters above all is the love we show one another. You are very fortunate to have two parents who care deeply for you. They are lucky to have such an exceptional daughter in you.

Our differences unite us. You and I are blessed to live in a country where we are born equal no matter what we look like on the outside, where we grow up, or who our parents are. A good rule is to treat others the way you hope they will treat you. Remind your friends at school about this rule if they say something that hurts your feelings.

Thanks again for taking the time to write me. I'm honored to have your support and inspired by your compassion. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to dinner, but I'll be sure to tell Sasha and Malia you say hello.


Barack Obama

*sobs - usap ingus


Blog walking dan nemu blog menarik dari artikel di : Gaya Nusantara , yang isinya launching Blog Series yang berbagi konten pengetahuan tentang seksualitas yang ditujukan kepada  perempuan dengan kebutuhan khusus.

Seperti yang dikutip dari kolom "About Us" mereka : 

sexualityanddisability.org is constructed as a bunch of questions a woman with a disability might have - about her body, about the mechanics and dynamics of having sex, about the complexities of being in an intimate relationship or having children, about unvoiced fears or experiences of encountering abuse in some form.
sexualityanddisability.org discusses a wide range of topics related to sexuality without shying away from them - parts of it are explicit. People have different views of what is and isn't appropriate and we've included them all.

Sexuality & Disability adalah proyek bersama : Point of View and CREA , organisasi nirlaba yang peduli pada edukasi seksual untuk perempuan dengan kebutuhan khusus.
Yang lebih kerennya lagi, penulis tetap dari blog ini adalah seorang perempuan yang dengan gangguan penglihatan (gue ga tau padanan tepatnya untuk impaired vision - apakah tepat dengan kata "tuna netra")  bernama :  Nidhi Garima Goyal .

Di blognya kita mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai kesehatan seksual , how to do this and that (ya you know what I mean - they got cute headers about it ! tihihi) .
Gue pribadi takjub,ngerasa tersentil, banyak banget blog ataupun laman-laman yang membahas edukasi seksual untuk orang-orang "normal", tapi mana yang bisa membantu untuk paham setidaknya memiliki informasi dasar yang bisa berguna untuk teman-teman yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus??
Thank God, founder blog ini mendapat pencerahan untuk memulainya.

Lo sering nonton Glee kan? Ada tokoh Artie yang lumpuh dan harus menggunakan kursi roda. Ga jarang dia merasa terpinggirkan karena 'kondisi"nya. 
Walaupun Artie seorang musisi dan penari yang berbakat, dia tetap punya kesulitan untuk bisa "mengikuti" kegiatan-kegiatan yang umumnya bisa dilakukan oleh teman-teman sebayanya.
(ingat eps Artie pengen jadi pemain Football hanya demi memikat gebetan atau nyaris ga bisa ikut perlombaan, karena bis yang mereka gunakan tidak memiliki akomodasi untuk kursi rodanya)

What if , kita yang di posisi mereka?
Mereka bukan robot yang ga punya kebutuhan seksual, mereka sama aja kaya kita pada umumnya, dengan kebutuhan yang sama, hanya part of his/her body yang ga berfungsi.
Di luar itu mereka sama.

Ada satu share di blog ini yang menyentuh, share dari pembaca yang partnernya tiba-tiba mengalami kecelakaan dan harus diamputasi salah satu tangan dan kakinya. 
Ketiadaan tangan dan kaki si partner ga mengurangi rasa cintanya, tapi jadi bikin agak "ganjel" adalah saat mereka ingin berhubungan seksual. 

Gue jadi mikir lagi, if it ever happens to me or my partner (amit2) , sumber informasi seperti yang di blog ini akan sangat membantu.

Blog ini ga cuma berguna untuk penyandang kebutuhan khusus tapi juga keluarga, sahabat, partner dan lingkungan sekitarnya.
Ada cara-cara pencegahan pelecehan seksual, support secara moral untuk berkegiatan sosial, dll.

So go check it out, read and share. =)

ps : check as well this blog : http://cripwheels.blogspot.in/ --- gaya nyinyirnya gue suka, nendang-nendang perut gitu bacanya. =D
pss : ini yang nulis Lushka, sukanya kalo tulisan serius dikit, disangkainnya mithya, emang gue ga bisa apa? ha? ha? ha? hihihi

**image taken from http://cripwheels.blogspot.in/ **

“How to spot gay children” Guidance from Malaysin Gov.

A shared concern over Malaysian checklist for "How to spot gay children"

Bangkok, September 18, 2012 - The Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) is backing community groups and organisations in Malaysia and elsewhere in their strong concern about recent guidelines released by the Malaysian Ministry of Education aimed at identifying young people who may be gay and lesbian. 

Last week, an announcement from Kuala Lumpur described the Malaysian government holding seminars aiming to help teachers and parents spot "signs of homosexuality" in children, during which a checklist published by the Yayasan Guru Malaysia Bhd and the Putrajaya Consultative Council of Parents and Teachers Associations was handed out pointing to several so-called symptoms for identifying young people as being either gay or lesbian. 

For gays, the "symptoms" listed include: 

- Developing a muscular body and a fondness for showing off the body by wearing revealing clothing, such as V-necks and sleeveless tops 
- A preference for tight and bright coloured clothes 
- An inclination to be attracted to men 
- A tendency to carry big handbags, similar to the kinds used by women 

For lesbians, the "symptoms" listed include: 

- Showing an attraction to women 
- Distancing themselves from women other than their girlfriends 
- Having a preference for hanging out, sleeping and dining with women 
- An absence of feelings for men 

"It is important that the Malaysian government promotes messages based on acceptance and not discrimination by attempting to identify, label and target gay and lesbian people of whatever age, let alone children and young people", said Midnight Poonkasetwattana, Executive Director of APCOM. "The Malaysian government, and its Ministry of Education above all, should focus on dispelling stereotypes and promoting the tolerance and acceptance of gay and lesbian people, especially young people who are especially vulnerable. Rather than these sorts of checklists, a better resource would be giving young people a list of organisations or support groups they could turn to, rather than promoting a 'cure' or re-orientation, efforts which only bring about great psychosocial harm." 

PT Foundation (PTF) is one example of an organisation available to support young people in Malaysia through HIV testing and counselling, face-to-face counselling and telephone counselling. Their services can be accessed Monday through Friday from 7:30pm – 9:30pm, at (03) 4044-5455 or (03) 4044-5466. 

"Having someone to talk to who is non-judgmental is very important for our community, especially young people," said PT Foundation's Acting Executive Director, Raymond Tai. "We have a range of programmes that are based around acceptance and community empowerment. We also offer gender and sexuality counselling and referrals to professional psycho-social services and legal aid. To us, Malaysia is not just about embracing racial or religious diversity, but also of gender and sexual identity diversity." 

APCOM will continue to support these community networks and organisations in their efforts, and will continue to advocate for the social and human rights for the gay and transgender communities in Malaysia and across Asia and the Pacific region. 


What next? how to spot Unicorns? Cullens family? 

An easy way to spot stupid people by poking a hole on their heads?

Senin, 12 November 2012

Nonsense/ League / Anxious

Udah lama ga nyampah.
Ini salah satu one liner yang pengen gue bikin kaos (beserta belasan "sampahan" lainnya)
Ntar ah, gue pake sablon print aja sendiri dulu di kaos polosan gue.

1. Speak Nonsense in Rhymes

Story behind it : yah,  gue nyinyir ya bok, sejagat raya juga tau itu. 
Lo suka ngeliat ga sih di TL twitter suka ada yang lagi jatuh cintah terus ngetwit (sok) putis gitu. 
Kadang (ini kadang lho) suka ga nyambung gitu. hihi. Gue suka ga ngerti apa sih maksudnya itu twit.
Kayanya orang suka mikir puitis itu berima. Jadi terserah kata-kata yang dipilih apa yang penting ada rimanya.
Jadi, bagaimanapun itu, puitis "kosong" pun bentuk komunikasi. So if you want speak nonsense, say it in rhymes. =)

2. You are not in my league, not even my weight you can compete
Kurang jelas apa? hihi

3. Keep your staff anxious, do not let the overpower you.
Ya ini sih, teori manajerial,  Jangan kalah sama bawahan. hehe