Gara-gara dengerin berulang "No Curtain Call" nya Maroon5 jadi pengen nulis. hihi
No Curtain Call adalah salah satu favorit gue di album baru Maroon5, Hands All Over.
Nice tunes plus lirik yang beda dari konteks bokep yang biasa diusung (serius, maroon5 itu band terbokep yang gue tau, most of the lyrics explicit contents) =p
Kehebatan Maroon5 kalo menurut gue, easy listening tapi susah diikutin haha. Dan hampir semua lagunya, punya lirik yang deep meaning. Halah. Sok tau bener yak gue.
Gue suka frustasi deh kalo mau ikut nyanyiin Maroon5. Adam suka maen di falsetto, yang suara standar aja gue ga bisa ngikutin, apalagi pake falsetto.
Mana hobby gue itu merombak nada, ga fals sih tapi jadi lagu yang baru . hahaha. Si pacar suka garuk-garuk tembok dan menghela napas kalo dengerin gue nyanyi.
Dia kan orangnya sangat setia pada nada, hapal kapan tarik napas, penekanan kalimat. Jadi kalau pergi karaoke berdua, gue pasang tampang memelas, biar dibiarin nyanyi ga pake diketawain dan dikasih pandangan "nadanya ga gitu deh kayanya" ahahaha. But she's a good sport to go with. Ga pernah berhenti nyemangatin buat nyanyi bener. =)
Eh, tapi Mithya pernah lho takjub denger gue nyanyi lagunya S07 dengan benar. Katanya itu kali pertama gue menyanyikan sesuai nada dan seharusnya. hihi.
Iya lah, gimana ga apal plek ketiplek, ada jamannya gue dengerin S07 24 jam. nyahahahaha.
Back to Maroon5, seneng banget April ini mereka bakalan konser di Jakarta. Walaupun tiketnya muahal najis, gue dan Mithya bela-belain ngantri beli. Belinya nyekek leher tapi ngantrinya lebih butuh perjuangan. Minggu pagi, jam 5 udah bangun - ucek ucek mata seadanya demi ngejar dari tengah ke selatan Jakarta, sebelum jam 7 pagi dan lo tau kita dapat antrian berapa? 543. Nomor cantik ya?. Nyet. Haha.
Dapat nomor segitu bikin panic attack . Jam 7 pagi aja udah 534 orang antri (satu nomor bisa dapat 4 tiket), tiket dengar-dengar cuma 5ribuan. Kalo diitung kasar, berarti pas gue udah separo kejual. Cck. Cck. Yang lebih bikin takjub adalah kalo gue yang jam tujuh aja dapat nomor 500, yang nomor satu ngantri jam piro??? nyam. Hasil investigasi menginformasikan, kalau yang nomor 1 datang jam 1.30 dini hari. cck. cck. Tau gitu gue ga usah pulang abis ngapelin Mithya, nongkrong aja disitu. hihi.
Eh, jangan dipikir begitu ambil nomor, langsung dapat tiket ya.. Tiket baru mulai dijual jam 8.30. Hahaha. Bareng dengan ratusan anak-anak muda Jakarta yang berbakat dan bergaya..halah..kita udah kaya gerombolan kaipang belekan di depan rumah Oom Adrie.
Untuuuuuung berkat bantuan teknologi dan curcol gue di twitter, dunia bisa dipersempit dan kita dapat bantuan. Gue ketemu temennya temen yang dapat nomor lebih kecil. Jadi bisa nebeng beliiii. Ahahaha. Yay.
Asal lo tau aja, kalo gue ga ketemu si temen, dengan nomor urut 500'an yang gue punya, bisa jadi jam 1 siang gue bakal masih nangkring disana. hihi.
Konser Maroon5 bikin kita excited bukan hanya karena kita secara personal, masing-masing emang centaaah ama Maroon5, tapi juga karena chance buat nonton barengnya itu yang bikin uh wow buat kita..
Tahun kemarin acara nonton konser tahunan kita hampir ruined, karena kondisi hubungan gue yang lagi kacrut. Sigh. Jadi gue agak ngarep nonton kali sukses. Amin.
Oh iya, selain itu kita juga bakal nonton bareng-bareng sahabat-sahabat straight gue. It's gonna be fun. =)
Anyway, kalo ada yang nonton Maroon5 juga, sekalian ketemuan yuk. Jiahahaha. *sok berani gitu gue, ntar lagi dijitak pacar*
Eh, this is No Curtain Call lyric, love it!
You say you need someone but everybody does
I'm no different than you, I just believe what I do
You point your finger at everyone but yourself
And blame the ones that you love who're only try'n to help
As it's winding down to zero I am yours like a hero
I'll see this through there's so much me and you
Take this enemy together, fight these demons off forever
Forever, forever, forever
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I won't stop until it's done
No curtain call, I will not fall
This may be the one we've been waiting for
No curtain call, just take it all
I have no time for fear or people in my ear
Head down and running so fast, try not to dwell on the past
I'm fighting through this pain and things I cannot change
Running right into the flame rather than running away
As it's winding down to zero I am yours like a hero
I'll see this through, there's so much me and you
Take this enemy together, fight these demons off forever
Forever, forever, forever
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I won't stop until it's done
No curtain call, I will not fall
This may be the one we've been waiting for
No curtain call, just take it all
Sweat drips down from every angle
Love your body as it gathers in a pool by your feet
You turn up the heat, tossin' and turnin', you cannot sleep
Quietly weep, you're in too deep
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I won't stop until it's done
No curtain call, I will not fall
This may be the one we've been waiting for
No curtain call, just take it all
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I won't stop until it's done
No curtain call, I will not fall
This may be the one we've been waiting for
No curtain call, just take it all
I'm no different than you, I just believe what I do
You point your finger at everyone but yourself
And blame the ones that you love who're only try'n to help
As it's winding down to zero I am yours like a hero
I'll see this through there's so much me and you
Take this enemy together, fight these demons off forever
Forever, forever, forever
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I won't stop until it's done
No curtain call, I will not fall
This may be the one we've been waiting for
No curtain call, just take it all
I have no time for fear or people in my ear
Head down and running so fast, try not to dwell on the past
I'm fighting through this pain and things I cannot change
Running right into the flame rather than running away
As it's winding down to zero I am yours like a hero
I'll see this through, there's so much me and you
Take this enemy together, fight these demons off forever
Forever, forever, forever
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I won't stop until it's done
No curtain call, I will not fall
This may be the one we've been waiting for
No curtain call, just take it all
Sweat drips down from every angle
Love your body as it gathers in a pool by your feet
You turn up the heat, tossin' and turnin', you cannot sleep
Quietly weep, you're in too deep
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I won't stop until it's done
No curtain call, I will not fall
This may be the one we've been waiting for
No curtain call, just take it all
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I won't stop until it's done
No curtain call, I will not fall
This may be the one we've been waiting for
No curtain call, just take it all
1 komentar:
denger lagu ini jadi ngebayangin lushka yg nyanyi, hahaha...
mudah2an bisa ketemu kalo aku jd nonton maroon 5, hehehe...
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