Be careful with your mind, with your heart, your head, your words, you never know what will happens next.
People who tend to be your current angel could be your future devil.
We just never know.
Be careful with your self.
Do you have the hatred for someone from the past..? =)
Teman? Mantan?
Konyolnya kadang si pembakar amarah ini, dulu adalah orang yang sangat kita puji-puji – orang yang pernah jadi pusat afeksi kita. Kata “you’re the best” ga cuma sekali keucap dari lidah kita, mungkin juga dari hati dan kepala.
But things changed. Things happened.
Shitty things happened dan mengubah si angel menjadi the cruelest devil or the biggest looser ever.
Hilang semuanya – semua hal baik, semua tempelan label premium yang kita berikan kepadanya.
You’re no longer the best, you’re a mistake. You’re nothing, you’re just a memory. You’re not a joy, you was a good feeling. You’re not amazing; I was blind, thinking you were.
Otak menjadi hitam, lidah menjadi pahit, hati menjadi tawar hanya mendengar namanya, atau sekedar tersandung potongan kecil memory.
Tapi itu hidup, people learn from mistakes right? Yang lalu biarlah berlalu? Huehehehehe..bla bla bla.
For your own sake, you have to learn to deal with it. Forgiven but not forgotten? Up to you.
Be grown up and face it
Just a friendly reminder…be careful on picking people as your superstar, because regretting is not allowed.
2 komentar:
Wuih..curhat apa nyindir?
curhat koook..hehehehehe
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