Mau cerita waktu terakhir kali kita nge-date ke event tahunan JavaRockinLand’09.
Malem itu gue mewek. Enggak kok, gue mewek bukan karena berantem ama Mithya, haus atau capek. Gue mewek karena Mr. Big. Hehehehe. Gue emang ga sebegitu ngefansnya, tapi gue tahu hampir semua lagu yang mereka bawain. Doh. Inget malem itu aja, gue merinding terharu sekarang. Huehehehe
That night, gue nyanyi dengan segenap hati gue. Back reminiscing tahun-tahun gue kenal Mr.Big. Dan gue nangis, karena inget tahun-tahun itu saat-saat tergelap di masa remaja gue *hayah*. And I am so thankful, hari itu gue ngederin lagunya Mr. Big dengan keadaan 500% or more better. And I had the chance to see their LIVE show bareng pacar dan teman-teman gue. YIHAAAAA!
Another best day in my life. GRIN. Terima kasih, Tuhan.
----the lyric actually doesn’t have much meaning for me, it’s just the moment.
It's late at night and neither one of us is sleeping
I can't imagine living my life after you're gone
Wondering why so many questions have no answers
I keep on searching
for the reason why we went wrong
Where is our yesterday
You and I could use it right now
But if this is goodbye
Just take my heart when you go
I don't have the need for it anymore
I'll always love you, but you're too hard to hold
Just take my heart when you go
Here we are about to take the final step now
I just can't fool myself, I know there's no TURNING back
Face to face it's been endless conversation
But when the love is gone you're
left with nothing but talk
I'd give my everything
If only I could turn you around
But if this is goodbye
Just take my heart when you go
I don't have the need for it anymore
I'll always love you but you're too hard to hold
Just take my heart when you go
Eh, bukan cuma Mr. Big doang yang bikin gue nganga, Secondhand Serenande, /RIF, band-band rock –lokal-jadul – jaman gue sma- yang-bikin-mithya-ngangkat-alis-tiap-gue-nyanyi-nyanyi-dia-nanya-kok-kamu-tau-terus-gue-jawab-iya-ini-lagu-jaman-aku-SMA-dan-Mithya-nyeletuk-pantesan-aku-ga-tau-ternyata-tua-banget-ya.siaul.
Oh iya, kita makan se-hotdog berdua. Yummy.Laper deh jadinya. Pengen makan Mithya (lho?)
- Tahun ini kita kelewat QFF yang entah kenapa males banget didatengin, tapi tahun ini kita tetep bakalan nonton iNAFFF. Yihaaa. Kita udah beli presale tickets buat 2 minggu ke depan. Ayo siapa yang mau gabuuung.
3 komentar:
Maaf ya waktu itu aku ngga ngerti euphoria kamu. Abis udah midnight dan udah capek juga. But I know it's a special moment for you dan aku seneng kalau kamu seneng.
Next year yaa..!! Moga-moga kamu bisa dapetin moment kayak gitu lagi. Dan aku makin sering nyadar betapa tuanya kamu hehe...
Gw jg pengen ikutan Inaff, tp belum dpt tiketnya... masih bisa ga yah beli besok2???
Masih bisa tapi harganya lebih mahal dikit dari harga pre-sale terus udah ada tiket-tiket film yang udah sold out. cek aja grey ke websitenya AYO NONTON!!
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