
Kamis, 21 Agustus 2008


My pop is ill..i called him today,asking how is he doing.

Bokap cerita soal kondisinya,he feels weak,tired and sleepy. Bokap gw sakit diabetes cukup akut,sekarang gula darahnya udah 500.I try to cheering him up,encouraging him to go to the hospital. And suddenly out of the blue..ì hear a soft sob.My pop crying!. He Asking me to not worrying him too much and pray for his health.

Gue sering lihat dan denger orang tua nangis,laki ataupun perempuan. Bokap gw?ga pernah and he is not that old, bokap masih 50an kok.Hiiks this is my 1st time to hear my pop crying. Its so sad.

I hope he will recover soon

1 komentar:

Mithya mengatakan...

Ayang sabar yah...jangan ikut-ikutan nangis..ntar aku binguuungg..