
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008

I love it when she do a monolog

I think it is not a big secrets that womens like to talk. A lot. Now imagine if there are two women in a relationship.....go on..I'll give you time to think...

A blast isn't it? hehehe

Lushka dan gue berhubung susah banget ketemuan jadi punya kebiasaan nelpon yang sangat banyak dan sangat lama dalam sehari. What do we talk about? EVERYTHING! You name it. Kayaknya ngga ada satu kosa kata pun di KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) yang belum kesebut sama kita. Mainly we like to talk about what we did that day or share our thought or even just talking about our dream the night before.

TAPI..yang namanya manusia juga punya batas lah. At the end of the day terkadang gue atau Lushka udah terlalu capek dan suka drifted away while the others tells a story. Bahkan tidur...hehehe..biasanya sih Lushka, karena saat ini yang jadwalnya lebih hectic itu dia. Nanti paling gue yang ngambek atau marah sekalian.

Now what can we do about this?

Kalo gue pribadi sih biasanya pertama gue jujur aja kalo misalkan gue udah capek atau ngantuk. I wouldn't wanna hurt her feelings if while she was talking suddenly she hears a soft snores from me =D

Kedua, I'd would want to make a special time dimana kita berdua emang bisa saling bercerita panjang lebar. Chose the time of the day where you both can easily chat.

Third, if you cant do the two list above (which is weird, but anyway..) try to stimulate your brain to keep awake or active while she's talking. Gue biasanya ngebenerin posisi duduk supaya bisa lebih enak untuk ngobrol, ngga sambil tiduran. Bisa juga lo sambil pasang musik pelan atau pasang TV, tapi jangan yang sampe distract perhatian lo.

Buat yang melakukan monolog juga jangan seenak e dewe. Liat-liat pasangan lo apa dia ngga terlalu capek, apa dia punya interest dengan tema yang lo omongin.

Oiya...jangan lupa satu hal paling penting KEEP IT FUN. Slipped in a lilttle jokes here and there. Or saying "I love you" out of the blue-in the middle of your monologue can be a lilttle "jolt" to make her smile.

Secara keseluruhan..caela..udah kaya pidato pertanggung jawaban presiden..gue sih suka setiap Lushka ngomooooooooong terrruuussss...Coz that's mean I am important enough for her to tell about a regular day in Lushka's life.

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